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Parents are asked to send children to school in clothing which is washable and easy to manage, to enable children to use the toilet, dress and undress as independently as possible.

There is no uniform, but some parents choose to send their child in the school summer dress or shorts and t-shirt. Laces, belts and braces are best avoided. Sun hats or baseball caps are required in the summer months.

On the rare occasions that toilet accidents occur, they are dealt with quickly and discreetly to cause the minimum embarrassment to the child. A stock of spare clothes is kept in the school for this purpose. With the younger children it is preferable if they have their own change of clothing. We will inform you if your child has had to be changed.

There is an expectation that your child will already be toilet-trained when starting Foundation Stage, if your child is not able to manage his/her own personal hygiene please discuss this with the Foundation Stage Manager and we will ask you to sign an ‘Intimate Care’ plan to support toilet training.