Amazing Aspirations Week in Epi!
Thank you to everyone who came in and gave their time to inspire our pupils!
As part of the MOD Schools’ Aspirations Week initiative, Episkopi Primary School didn’t let social distancing hold them back and held a full and varied week of visits and demonstrations! They were fortunate to have women and men from a whole range of careers, cultural heritage and academic backgrounds offer to come into school and speak to the children about their careers, including: a photographer, PTI, our local fire fighters; doctors; nurses; Dave the midwife; a dog trainer; a chef; a vet; a physicist; an armourer; a detective; police people; a social worker; a solicitor and a barrister; a musician; a dancer; a diplomat; a publisher; a drummer; a pineapple farmer; sports coaches; engineers; a doctor; a meteorologist; a reporter from BFBS; a CSI investigator; Father John; a physics teacher; a crime analyst; a chartered surveyor; members of both the RAF and Army!
During the week the children were also learning about women who changed the world. It was a fascinating time and a real eye-opener for pupils about the amazing opportunities they have ahead of them!
A big ‘thank you’ to all who helped support the school in this!