Art and DT
Art and Design
Through Art, our pupils are equipped to embody our values in learning by developing resilience through a self-belief in their creative abilities and application of learned skills and knowledge. Pupils reflect thoughtfully when being creative, understanding that art is process based. They learn to understand that developments and changes will happen as artworks are produced. Sketchbooks will provide opportunities for pupils to see first-hand how reflectiveness is a key skill. Interwoven in art is the skill of respect through relationships and the understanding that communication of creativity is a personal representation which can be individual or abstract- but always something to be celebrated. Courage to be resourceful empowers our pupils in art to explore new skills and avenues of creativity, taking into account responsibility towards environmental sustainability.
Across all year groups, there is a focus on the teaching of art, supported by a specialist LSA in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Emotional well-being of pupils is an essential part of the creative process, allowing pupils to express themselves and also take risks in learning. Through careful evaluation and reflection, pupils learn to recognise the importance of improving and altering artworks. Careful planning ensures the development of techniques, including control and their use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design.
Our Art curriculum covers all aspects of the National curriculum and area of focus including:
- exploring their ideas
- proficiency in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
- printing, textiles and ceramics
- photography (ICT).
- recording their experiences in sketch books
- understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms
- studying the works of artists, craft makers and designers from a range of cultures and contexts, time and places.
- language of art, craft and design
Design and Technology (D&T)
The aim of D&T at Episkopi Primary School is to enable pupils to develop their curiosity, knowledge and skills to design, make and evaluate innovative products that meet the needs of users.
Through D&T, our pupils are equipped to embody our values in learning by developing innovative practical solutions and products to help meet complex human needs. Through our teaching, we demonstrate how practical innovation requires resilience and resourcefulness. By evaluating existing products, we promote a sense of reflection. Pupils show a sense of responsibility for others and the world by designing and making products that meet the needs of others and consider the impact of products on a sustainable future for us all.
Across all year groups, there is a focus within D&T upon building resilience. It is important that pupils learn to recognise failure as an essential part of the designing and making process. Through careful evaluation and reflection, pupils learn to recognise the important of improving and altering designs. Through Focused Tasks (FTs), they learn that practical making techniques (such as joining and strengthening materials) require practise and that success will not come instantly.
Our D&T curriculum covers all aspects of the National Curriculum and areas of focus include:
- Cooking and nutrition
- Mechanisms
- Structures
- Textiles
- Mechanical systems
- Electrical systems
We make effective use of resources and expertise from the Design & Technology Association (DATA), including their excellent ‘project on a page’ curriculum materials